狮子王:木法沙传奇 2024
“2691—2759 9.“锤手”海尔姆。他统治的末期,洛汗因敌人入侵和漫长冬季遭受了重大损失。海尔姆和他的两个儿子哈烈斯和哈马都死了。海尔姆的外甥弗雷亚拉夫继承了王位。”猜测电影可能会涉及洛汗与黑蛮地人的战争、海尔姆率部退守深谷的惨烈故事,以及弗雷亚拉夫收复埃多拉斯成为国王等情节。
共和体制崩塌,银河帝国的阴影笼罩着宇宙文明每一个角落。为了加强对反抗势力的镇压,塔金主义直接催生了一种足以摧毁星球的超级武器——死星的诞生,而物理科学家盖伦·厄索(麦斯·米科尔森 Mads Mikkelsen 饰)正是死星的主要设计者。厄索的女儿琴(菲丽希缇·琼斯 Felicity Jones 饰)在童年时代与父母经历了生离死别,之后她被反抗组织领袖索·格雷拉(福里斯特·惠特克 Forest Whitaker 饰)所抚养长大。成年后琴罪行累累,成为帝国的阶下囚,最终却被反抗组织救出。从格雷拉那里她得知死星的存在,并见证了一个城市的灰飞烟灭。然而义军同盟决然不信死星的存在,万般无奈琴和飞行员卡西安·安多(迭戈·鲁纳 Diego Luna 饰)等人孤身前往收藏着死星设计图的星球,攸关全宇宙命运的战争拉开了序幕……
自幼憧憬惊吓专员职业的大眼仔麦克·华斯基(比利·克里斯托 Billy Crystal 配音),终于如愿考入曾走出过无数传奇人物的怪兽大学惊吓学院。却不小心与系出惊吓名门的同学毛怪詹姆士·苏利文(约翰·古德曼 John Goodman 配音)得罪了极其严格的院长迪安·哈德斯克莱博(海伦·米伦 Helen Mirren 配音),结果在期中考试时被三振出局,驱逐出惊吓学院。不甘失败的大眼仔抓住一线机会,集结团队报名参加兄弟会举办的惊吓游戏,只要获胜便有机会重返惊吓学院。而在高手云集的赛场上,大眼仔与毛怪即将迎接前所未有的挑战…
克隆战争已经进行了三年,绝地武士团率领的共和国军团与独立星系邦联陷入了一场席卷整个银河的苦战。分裂联盟的格非特将军和杜库伯爵(克里斯托弗·李 Christopher Lee 饰)劫持议会首相帕尔帕庭(伊恩·迈克蒂安米德 Ian McDiarmid 饰)潜逃,绝地武士欧比旺·克诺比(伊万·麦克格雷格 Ewan McGregor 饰)和阿纳金(海登·克里斯滕森 Hayden Christensen 饰)奉长老院命前去营救,阿纳金杀死杜库伯爵救出帕尔帕庭,但格非特将军逃匿。阿纳金梦见妻子阿米达拉(娜塔丽·波特曼 Natalie Portman 饰)将死于难产,困惑中求助于帕尔帕庭,后者趁此机会离间阿纳金与绝地长老院。随着阿纳金向帕尔帕庭的靠拢,一场针对绝地武士与其所捍卫之民主的阴谋逐渐展开。
新婚燕尔的约翰·戈登(瓦德·霍尔顿 Ward Horton 饰)和妻子米娅(安娜贝拉·沃丽丝 Annabelle Wallis 饰)共同孕育了新的生命,对于这对未经世事的小夫妻来说,喜悦和担忧相伴而行。那个晚上,约翰找到了妻子寻觅已久的娃娃安娜贝尔,与此同时,邻居彼得家则发生了残忍血案,更为可怕的厄运也朝着戈登夫妇袭来。几名丧失人性的邪教男女闯入戈登家中,试图对他们展开屠杀。虽然戈登夫妇侥幸保住性命,但其中一名女子抱着安娜贝尔死去。在此之后,惴惴不安的米娅待在家中安胎,她试图从阴影中走出,然而接二连三的怪事相继在家中发生。 诡异而恐怖的恶魔盛宴就此拉开帷幕…… ©豆瓣
塞缪尔·穆林斯和埃丝特·穆林斯是一对夫妻,他们有个非常可爱的女儿,一家人幸福地生活在美国中西部地区,但随着女儿安娜贝尔在一场车祸中不幸丧生,这个家庭陷入了悲痛之中,穆林斯夫妇也渐渐与世隔绝。 多年后,夫妻俩决定把自家的房子用作孤儿院,收留修女夏洛特收养的孩子们,名叫J珍妮丝和琳达的小朋友不听劝闯进了安娜贝尔原来的房间,引发了一系列诡异而恐怖的事件。
弗里萨帝国最为强盛时期,其军团所到之处望风披靡,无数有文明存在的星球接连成为他的附属和商品,即使一向骁勇善战而闻名的赛亚人也臣服于弗里萨的麾下,心甘情愿成为他攻城拔寨的马前卒。孙悟空的父亲巴达克是一名低等赛亚人战士,在和伙伴们入侵某星球时,他遭到当地人的袭击,从此具有了预测未来的能力。他所看到的,不是民族光辉的未来,而是赛亚人因不断强大而遭致弗里萨忌惮继而被灭亡的悲惨命运。疗伤期间,小队伙伴受命前往攻击临近星球,结果全部被多多利亚杀害。随后赶到的巴达克发现预言全部为真,因此急忙赶回贝吉塔行星,准备召集族人与弗里萨决一死战,但这注定是一场孤独的战争…… 本片为《龙珠Z》动画片的SP,基本可以视为整个故事的前传。
故事发生在的二十三世纪,人类的科技发展已经到达了可以星际旅行的地步。 2230年出生于瓦肯星的男孩史波克,因为母亲是人类,经常遭到同僚的嘲笑和欺负。因父亲是瓦肯星的一名外交官,史波克从小就不断地在严肃的瓦肯逻辑教育和他的人类情感之间挣扎。长大后的史波克遇到了同样怀着远大志向的柯克,两人虽矛盾不断但通过种种任务考验逐渐开始互相理解。 企业号的老舰长是克里斯托弗·派克,舰员则包括医疗官“老骨头”麦考伊、总工程师史考特、通讯官乌胡拉、舵手苏鲁,以及17岁的领航员——天才少年契柯夫。而来自未来的老年史波克穿越时空,告诉了柯克未来罗慕伦帝国的残余势力尼禄也已经回到现在,并率领大队人马进行复仇,尼诺摧毁了史波克的家乡瓦肯星,下一个目标便是地球……
The early life of child genius Sheldon Cooper, later seen in The Big Bang Theory.
Follow a new generation of the Dutton family during the early twentieth century when pandemics, historic drought, the end of Prohibition and the Great Depression all plague the mountain west, and the Duttons who call it home.
Beginning in a time of relative peace, we follow an ensemble cast of characters as they confront the re-emergence of evil to Middle-earth. From the darkest depths of the Misty Mountains, to the majestic forests of Lindon, to the breathtaking island kingdom of Númenor, to the furthest reaches of the map, these kingdoms and characters will carve out legacies that live on long after they are gone.
Six years before Saul Goodman meets Walter White. We meet him when the man who will become Saul Goodman is known as Jimmy McGill, a small-time lawyer searching for his destiny, and, more immediately, hustling to make ends meet. Working alongside, and, often, against Jimmy, is “fixer” Mike Ehrmantraut. The series tracks Jimmy’s transformation into Saul Goodman, the man who puts “criminal” in “criminal lawyer".
During the mid-22nd century, a century before Captain Kirk's five-year mission, Jonathan Archer captains the United Earth ship Enterprise during the early years of Starfleet, leading up to the Earth-Romulan War and the formation of the Federation.
Follow the voyages of Starfleet on their missions to discover new worlds and new life forms, and one Starfleet officer who must learn that to truly understand all things alien, you must first understand yourself.
Rainbow Johnson recounts her experience growing up in a mixed-race family in the ‘80s and the constant dilemmas they had to face over whether to assimilate or stay true to themselves.
The early days of a young Endeavour Morse, whose experiences as a detective constable with the Oxford City Police will ultimately shape his future.
Ten thousand years before the ascension of Paul Atreides, sisters Valya and Tula Harkonnen establish the fabled sect and female order that would become known as the Bene Gesserit to control the future of humankind.
Ding-dong! Dead-dong! Class is about to begin, and you don't want to be late on your first day of school! Join Tsugumi Harudori in the "NOT" class at Death Weapon Meister Academy, a school dedicated to training transforming weapons like Tsugumi and the meisters who will wield them. Many "NOT" (Normally Overcome Target) students aspire to join the elite "EAT" (Especially Advantaged Talent) class. But it may take Tsugumi some time to find her confidence-- and a partner -- at this crazy school!
In an era filled with danger, deception and intrigue, Cassian Andor will discover the difference he can make in the struggle against the tyrannical Galactic Empire. He embarks on a path that is destined to turn him into a rebel hero.
Follow Captain Christopher Pike, Science Officer Spock and Number One in the years before Captain Kirk boarded the U.S.S. Enterprise, as they explore new worlds around the galaxy.
In 1991 Miami, Dexter Morgan transitions from student to avenging serial killer. When his bloodthirsty urges can't be ignored any longer, Dexter must learn to channel his inner darkness. With the guidance of his father, Harry, he adopts a Code designed to help him find and kill people who deserve to be eliminated from society without getting on law enforcements' radar. This is a particular challenge for young Dexter as he begins a forensics internship at the Miami Metro Police Department.
At the dawn of the 20th century, Indiana Jones discovered the world. From globetrotting family expeditions as a 9-year-old to the battlefields of World War I as a teenager, Indy’s experiences shaped the heroic, whip-cracking archaeologist he would become. At every turn, Indy encounters history in the making, meeting true-life activists, soldiers, writers, artists, and thinkers who helped influence the world we live in today.
A "contemporary prequel" to the 1960 film Psycho, depicting the life of Norman Bates and his mother Norma prior to the events portrayed in Hitchcock's film, albeit in a different fictional town and in a modern setting. The series begins after the death of Norma's husband, when she purchases a motel located in a coastal Oregon town so she and Norman can start a new life.
The Sacred war tale that took place during the 18th century is now unveiled. Tenma, Alone and Sasha, three orphans living their childhood protecting each other and then separated at diferent ages made a pact to meet again. Find themselves again connected but now in roles they never saw as posible. Pegasus, Hades and Athena. Its now time to fight but destiny can be bitter since war between Athena and Hades forces can put old friends and families face to face.
Facing the threat of the Qin State, danger seems to lurk within the Han State, which is known as the weakest out of the Seven States. Unknown to the Han Emperor, that very threat is the Great General of Han, Ji Wuye. Working under the Great General are the Four Fearful Warriors of Nightfall. Each four specialized in military, finance, politics, and espionage. In hopes of creating a new Han State, Quicksand was formed by Han Fei, the ninth prince of the Han. With Wei Zhuang, Zhang Liang, Zinü, and Nong Yu, they support the Prince in realizing the goal of Quicksand while being drawn into a whirlpool of power named “world”.
In the Holy Grail War, seven magi chosen by the Holy Grail itself must summon seven Heroic Spirits to compete for the omnipotent Grail, a magical device that grants the victor any wish they desire. After three inconclusive wars, the fuse has now been lit once again for the fourth time.
Return to the world of Thra, where three Gelfling discover the horrifying secret behind the Skeksis' power and set out to ignite the fires of rebellion and save their world.
The origin story of younger, hungrier, former Green Beret Bryan Mills as he deals with a personal tragedy that shakes his world. As he fights to overcome the incident and exact revenge, Mills is pulled into a career as a deadly CIA operative, a job that awakens his very particular, and very dangerous, set of skills.