Sophia Takal 致命录像带 七月在房顶上的加比 All the Light in the Sky Molly's Theory of Relativity Open Five 2 Green 纵情地带 Hellaware Pollywogs Detonator 24次曝光 The Men of Dodge City 野雀 Be with Me (The Notebook) Uncle Kent 2 Cat Scratch Fever Weekend Away Coffee & Pie Devil Town After Lilly George and the Vacuum Getting Stoned with Sophia Takal Omniboat: A Fast Boat Fantasia 上帝的口袋 不忠 Gayby 配角 The International Sign for Choking 七月在房顶上的加比 Green Green 不发光的太阳 野雀 Green 永远闪耀 好孩子 永远闪耀 黑色圣诞节 Devil Town New Year, New You New Year, New You 黑色圣诞节 心有猛兽 Where I End