Gerald Oliver Smith The Mysterious Miss Terry That Forsyte Woman 海盗船长 Kissing Time 忠勇之家 新加坡喋血记 卡萨布兰卡 The Lady Fights Back Moss Rose The Sailor Takes a Wife Top of the Town 美人计 Three Smart Girls Grow Up The Lady Escapes Crashing Hollywood Linda, Be Good I Was a Burlesque Queen The Kid From Texas Bridal Suite Beyond the Blue Horizon 傲慢与偏见 Invisible Enemy Gateway The Singing Hill Rainbow Over Texas 玉女神驹 Girl Overboard Enchantment 天堂可以等待 简爱 The Lady and the Bandit Behind the Mike 半月街的男人 帕金顿夫人 Kiddie Kure School for Wives