Wilbur McGaugh The Indians Are Coming Speed Branded a Bandit Cupid's Rustler The Sky Skidder California in '49 卡斯特的最终立场 Hills of Hate Bringin' Home the Bacon Tarzan and the Green Goddess The Magic Carpet Whistling Jim A Man's Game Jungle Jim The Lost Tribe 绿林四虎将 泰山的复仇 Brief Moment Three Pals 喋血藏金岭 Treachery Rides the Range File 113 California Mail 暗夜警探 Girl in Danger Indian Territory 东京风云 Captain John Smith and Pocahontas Brief Moment The Mysterious Doctor My Woman Find the Blackmailer The Lady and the Mob The Fighting Marshal Cornered Fighting for Justice The Western Code A Shriek in the Night 泰山的新冒险 Convicted Fury of the Congo 真假盗魁 Vanity Fair