Michael Craze Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks 撒旦的奴隶 神秘博士:无脸人 既不是海也不是沙 恐怖活动 Journey to the Unknown Myth Makers 8: Michael Craze Doctor Who: The Underwater Menace Doctor Who: The Macra Terror Myth Makers 43: William Hartnell The Doctors: The Pat Troughton Years Fragment 死亡博士的复仇 Doctor Who: The Tenth Planet Doctor Who: The Power of the Daleks Virtual Terror The Healer Doctor Who: The War Machines Doctor Who: The Smugglers Doctor Who: The Highlanders Doctor Who: The Underwater Menace Doctor Who: The Moonbase Doctor Who: The Macra Terror 神秘博士:不明人士 Myth Makers 53: Patrick Troughton 神秘博士:二如往昔 Spare the Rod Myth Runner Two Left Feet Carol Fragment Gideon's Way Dixon of Dock Green No Hiding Place Target Luna Crown Court 神秘博士 神秘博士 神秘博士