Pat McNamara 沉默的羔羊 捉奸家族 出头人 American Hot Wax In the Custody of Strangers 激情犯罪 The Search for One-eye Jimmy Last of the Great Survivors Layin' Low Windows The Cabinet of Dr. Ramirez Crisis in Mid-Air Taking A Stand The Boy Who Liked Deer 搏击俱乐部 本能反应 Thru: The Hereafter Remains Unknown Claude 歌舞线上 The Last Word Cagney & Lacey: The Return 意气风发 蓝霹雳 Dead Man on the Run 沉睡者 Hollow Image Orpheus Descending The Life and Assassination of the Kingfish Stone Pillow 法律与秩序 陆军野战医院 The Beat 亲情纽带 Barney Miller 情理法的春天 Barney Miller 法律与秩序