Gene Markey Cavalcade of the Academy Awards 娃娃脸 Moss Rose 午夜玛丽 Blinky Lilly Turner 林荫道上 如你所愿 The Merry Frinks The Florodora Girl A Modern Hero 女子宿舍 A Lost Lady Private Number 俘男红粉 恋痕 The Great Lover 如你所愿 White Hunter Sally, Irene and Mary Kentucky 巴斯克维尔的猎犬 副手 福尔摩斯历险记 莉莉安·罗素 The Merry Frinks Syncopation That Dangerous Age The Battle of Paris Luxury Liner The Wonder Kid Lucky In Love 时尚1934 The Big Noise 林荫道上 小公主 Mother's Boy Mother's Boy 苏伊士运河 The Florodora Girl Prince of Diamonds Love in Exile Glory Josette Meet Me at the Fair 搞笑大王 Champagne Charlie Let's Live Tonight