Ewart Adamson Hotsy-Totsy Go Straight! 行尸走肉 鬼城 空中飞人 The Taming of the Snood The Spook Speaks Cookoo Cavaliers Niagara Falls Mother's Holiday Pardon My Pups Back from the Front Slippery Silks The Sitter Downers Three Little Sew and Sews Circumstantial Evidence Circumstantial Evidence The Impostor Sappy Pappy The Champ's a Chump Inside the Lines The Dark Hour The Captain Hits the Ceiling It Always Happens The Man Who Won The Night Cry A Hero of the Big Snows A Hero of the Big Snows Taxi for Two What's to Do? The Super Snooper Money Squawks Pleased to Mitt You Rhythm Wranglers The Perfect Crime The Gay Vagabond The Outlaw Dog Haunted Harbor The Silent Guardian Alimony Aches Alimony Aches The Girl from Nowhere Hubby's Weekend Trip Winner Take All The Long Shot Easy Money Campus Rhythm House of Errors 爱的弹丸 In Paris, A.W.O.L. Brick-a-Brac The Campus Vamp False Pretenses Petticoat Politics Earl of Puddlestone Fight Night Innocently Guilty Below the Deadline Meet the Missus Singed Wings The Messenger Boy The Girl Who Came Back The Girl Who Came Back 沙漠中的新娘 Many Unhappy Returns Blindfold 行尸走肉 Spanking Breezes The Dawn Patrol Dead Man's Curve The Gingham Girl Pink Gods Sailor Maid This Band Age