John Harvey Love & Drugs Edge of Fury Pity About the Abbey Le Petomane Cairo Road South Pacific Arthur Clears the Air 新鬼屋魅影 Heavens Above! Legend of the Werewolf 精神病人 魔鬼的仪式 致命群蜂 外星来客 死刑台的旋律 罗宾汉英雄传 Joey Boy 吸血鬼之吻 Two Way Stretch X--未知的元素 歌剧魅影 Castle in the Air Double Bunk 恶魔之夜 The Man with My Face Chance of a Lifetime 暗黑馆惊惧事件 地狱是一座城市 孟买的杀手 鼓笛震军魂 欲海惊魂 The Ugly Duckling The Lost Hours High Treason The Black Widow The Dark Light A Gunman Has Escaped Dick Barton Strikes Back Noose Four Days The Three Hostages The Spider 海报女郎 四个女人与吉普 猩红的刀刃 湖海枭雄 The Man Who Wouldn't Talk True as a Turtle Private Angelo Doctor Who: The War Machines Doctor Who: The Macra Terror Angels One Five 做贼抓贼 Doomsday at Eleven Man About the House Softly, Softly Z-Cars George and Mildred Crown Court Dixon of Dock Green Barlow Some Mothers Do 'Ave 'Em Rings on Their Fingers Dr. Finlay's Casebook The Buccaneers Edward and Mrs Simpson The Adventures of Robin Hood Sykes No Hiding Place 手提箱里的男人 The Expert Dawson's Weekly Jennie: Lady Randolph Churchill Detective The Main Chance Dixon of Dock Green Dixon of Dock Green Justice The Buccaneers The Adventures of Robin Hood The Adventures of Robin Hood 神秘博士 罗伯特·蒙哥马利引见 The Main Chance The Onedin Line The Borderers 神秘博士