Cy Feuer Broadway: The Golden Age, by the Legends Who Were There Broadway: Beyond the Golden Age 歌舞线上 Days of Jesse James Mountain Rhythm Blue Montana Skies Come On, Rangers Gangs of Sonora 幸运轮 Where's Charley? Come On, Leathernecks! 天使与魔鬼 歌厅 Western Jamboree Lady from Louisiana 傅满洲之鼓 Bad Man of Deadwood Pioneers of the West West of Cimarron Drums of Fu Manchu In Old Missouri King of the Texas Rangers Women in War Adventures of Red Ryder 那是我的人 Young Bill Hickok That Brennan Girl Piaf 一步登天 Tenth Avenue Kid Jungle Girl Rendezvous with Annie 孟加拉风暴 Mercy Island She Married a Cop Hit Parade of 1941 Ice-Capades A Tragedy at Midnight 惊奇队长的奇妙冒险 The Girl from Alaska 在古老的加利福尼亚 Grand Ole Opry Robin Hood of the Pecos Tony Awards