Michael Anderson A Look Into the 23rd Century Around the World of Mike Todd 与祖国同在 The Lion Roars Again 1984 环游世界八十天 拦截时光隧道 逃离地下天堂 海底两万里 小爸爸大儿子 海滨魅影 敌后大爆破 杀人鲸 爆破死亡谷 Captains Courageous 谍海群英会 Sword of Gideon 扬子江突围记 奇兵勇士 Pope Joan 风云英杰 凶铃 军法大审 天网记 海滨女人 怒海争雄 All the Fine Young Cannibals Second Time Lucky 铁翼三雄 The House of the Arrow Rugged Gold 多米尼克 Will Any Gentleman...? Hell Is Sold Out Night Was Our Friend Separate Vacations 和魔鬼握手 和魔鬼握手 海狼 The New Adventures of Pinocchio 锡杯 Wild and Wonderful La bottega dell'orefice Summer of the Monkeys School for Secrets Private Angelo Private Angelo Private Angelo 与祖国同在 A Piece of Eden 烈焰国度 烈焰国度 烈焰国度