Charles McKeown 妙想天开 光棍出差 终极天将 Family Ties Vacation The Box 万世魔星 海盗埃里克 Days at the Beach East of Ipswich 霓虹灯下的圣教士 Across the Andes by Frog Whinfrey's Last Case Golden Gordon Roger of the Raj 时光大盗 激情床伴 The Adventures of Young Indiana Jones: Espionage Escapades What Is Brazil? 私人宴会 The Madness and Misadventures of Munchausen 魔法奇幻秀 American Friends 魔法奇幻秀 终极天将 抢翻天 妙想天开 魔鬼雷普利 少年印第安纳琼斯大冒险 Pipkins 弗尔蒂旅馆