Henry Levin Cinerama Adventure Hollywood in Deblatschka Pescara 成吉思汗 That Man Bolt 地心游记 夜班编辑 笑面豺狼 童话世界 狼人的哭泣 天牢喋血 超级情报员麦汉2 超级情报员麦汉3 海滩春光 来自科罗拉多的人 孤独的人 Jolson Sings Again 驯夫记 埃姆斯之罪 The Devil's Mask I Love a Mystery The Unknown Belles on Their Toes Mr. Soft Touch The Dark Avenger Honeymoon Hotel The Desperados 第一夫人 第一夫人 四月蔷薇处处开 A Nice Little Bank That Should Be Robbed Mister Scoutmaster Bernardine The Bandit of Sherwood Forest The Farmer Takes a Wife 皇牌特务勇破摧花党 Holiday for Lovers The Petty Girl 伴我飞翔 The Corpse Came C.O.D. The Remarkable Mr. Pennypacker And Baby Makes Three 淑女征夫 The Gambler from Natchez The Flying Missile 快乐共舞 Scout's Honor 血映朱门 阿拉丁神灯 The Gallant Blade The Fighting Guardsman Three Young Texans Sergeant Mike Dancing in Manhattan The Return of Monte Cristo Run for the Roses Dangerous Blondes Jamaican Gold The Negro Sailor