John McLeish 小飞象 Dingo aux jeux olympiques He Can't Make It Stick River Ribber Krazy's Race of Time Simple Siren Tangled Travels 交响音乐会 Trombone Trouble 唐老鸭服务员 唐老鸭参军 多佛兄弟 The Wind in the Willows 小鸭子兵团 The Ducktators The Case of the Screaming Bishop Carnival Courage 伊老师与小蟾蜍大历险 Motor Mania Walt Disney Treasures - The Complete Goofy How to Fish The Olympic Champ The Art of Self Defense Goofy's Glider 滑雪的艺术 怎样骑马 高飞体操 怎样游泳 How to Be a Sailor Accidents Resulting from Unfamiliarity in Aircraft, or: The Rover Boys in Peril 木偶奇遇记 Professor Small and Mr. Tall Mr. Fore by Fore