Oscar Brodney 黑盾武士 我的朋友叫哈维 玉女动情 Francis Goes to the Races The Purple Mask When Hell Broke Loose Star in the Dust 考文垂的戈黛娃女士 考文垂的戈黛娃女士 A Day of Fury I'd Rather Be Rich Katie Did It Francis Goes to West Point Francis Goes to West Point Moonlight in Havana Francis Covers the Big Town Fun and Games If You Knew Susie Back at the Front 白宫艳史 Little Egypt The Gal Who Took the West Yes Sir, That's My Baby When Hell Broke Loose The Brass Bottle Frenchie 鬼发烧 When Johnny Comes Marching Home Rhythm of the Islands Rhythm of the Islands Baby Face Morgan The Gal Who Took the West Always a Bridesmaid Tammy Tell Me True 两傻墨西哥巡游 Tammy and the Bachelor 爱尔兰英雄传 Comanche Territory 战舰春光 Scarlet Angel Scarlet Angel The Spoilers She Wrote the Book 两傻查案记 Bobbikins Bobbikins Are You With It? 异教徒的标志 异教徒的标志 What a Blonde You're a Lucky Fellow, Mr. Smith On Stage Everybody Frenchie South Sea Sinner 格伦·米勒传 Walking My Baby Back Home 双重叉骨 双重叉骨