James L. Edwards June 9 Chickboxer 机器忍者 Side Effects May Vary Galaxy of the Dinosaurs Humanoids from Atlantis Zombie Cop Trivial Ozone Bloodletting 杀手也露营 Pharisee Bunker Heights Hell Van 熟女大战僵尸 Polymorph Wake The Dead I've Killed Before Maximum Impact Dwellers Her Name Was Christa The Sandman 生死门 活剥皮 The Spookshow WrestleMassacre Frames of Fear III 恶魔事务所 Ludella June 9 恶魔事务所 精神病姐妹 恶魔事务所 恶魔事务所 杀手也露营 界中界 Polymorph Hell Van I've Killed Before Frames of Fear III Side Effects May Vary Side Effects May Vary Trivial Trivial Trivial Her Name Was Christa Her Name Was Christa Dwellers The Sandman Dwellers