Mary Anderson 乱世佳人 怒海孤舟 The Underworld Story 孽海奇逢 Chicago Calling 我,陪审员 Whispering City 圣女之歌 绿光之后 Hunt the Man Down 风流种子 威尔逊总统传 Bahama Passage One Big Affair Jet Over The Atlantic Within These Walls Last of the Buccaneers Passage West 女人们 My Love Came Back 夜阑人未静 Henry Aldrich for President Henry and Dizzy A Failure at Fifty 卿何遵命 Under Age 海鹰 路透传 直到我们再次见面 为毕晓普小姐干杯 Mendelssohn's Wedding March Miracle in the Rain