Dvojna igra

Dvojna igra 2006


Napet triler o dveh policistih, ujetih v številne prevare in dvojne igre med zakonom in kriminalom, ki je Martinu Scorseseju končno prinesel zasluženega oskarja. Film se odvija v južnem Bostonu, kjer je državna policija napovedala odločno vojno organiziranemu kriminalu. Znebiti se hočejo vplivnega mafijskega šefa Franka Costella, in to od znotraj. Mladi novinec, Billy Costigan, ki je odraščal v južnem Bostonu, dobi nalogo, da se vtihotapi v mafijske kroge, ki jih vodi Costello. Medtem ko se Billy trudi pridobiti Costellovo zaupanje, se še en mlad policist, ki prihaja z bostonskih ulic, Collin Sullivan, hitro vzpenja po policijski lestvici. Dobil je svoje mesto v posebni preiskovalni enoti, ki ima nalogo zrušiti Costella. Toda njegovi nadrejeni ne vedo, da Colin pravzaprav dela za Costella, zaradi česar je mafijski šef vedno en korak pred policijo.


Ptice roparice (in fantastična osamosvojitev Harley Quinn)

Ptice roparice (in fantastična osamosvojitev Harley Quinn) 2020


Dame, pripravite se, saj prihaja slavna, neponovljiva in nepredvidljiva Harley Quinn Tokrat brez Jokerja Zgodba se odvija okoli skupine superjunakinj in negativk DC vesolja glavna zvezda pa je Margot Robbie kot slavna Harley Quinn katero smo že videli v filmu Odred odpisanih (Suicide Squad). Po razhodu z Jokerjem Harley Quinn združi junakinje Black Canary Huntress in Renee Montoyo da bi skupaj rešile mlado dekle pred zlobnim vladarjem kriminala.



Krojač 2022


Leonard je angleški krojač, ki je nekoč izdeloval obleke na svetovno znani londonski ulici Savile Row. Po osebni tragediji je končal v Chicagu, kjer upravlja majhno krojačnico v dvomljivem delu mesta. Tam izdeluje čudovita oblačila za edine ljudi, ki si jih lahko privoščijo: družino nevarnih gangsterjev...


Umazan denar

Umazan denar 2014


V sodobni kriminalni drami je Tom Hardy osamljeni točaj Bob, čigar previdno in nenavadno obotavljivo vedenje je v ostrem nasprotju z dvoličnostjo ter neizprosnostjo njegovega bratranca in delodajalca Marva (James Gandolfini), najemnika zakotnega newyorškega lokala ter nekdanjega lokalnega mafijca. Bar na vnaprej dogovorjene večere služi kot kraj izmenjave za umazani mafijski denar, ki se iz zločinov po vsem mestu steka v skrivno blagajno. V kriminalnem podzemlju Brooklyna je ta izmenjava znana, toda lokala začuda ne oropajo tistega večera, temveč pozneje. Čečenski lastnik bara Chovka zahteva, da Bob in Marv hitro poiščeta ukradeni denar in storilce. Bobovo življenje se dodatno zaplete, ko vanj vstopita čedna soseda Nadia (Noomi Rapace) in trpinčeni pes, menda last razvpitega krajevnega nasilneža in arestanta (Matthias Schoenaerts).


Ameriške prevare

Ameriške prevare 2013


Režiser neizprosnih dram Trije kralji, Borec in Za dežjem posije sonce predstavlja napeto kriminalko, prežeto s prevarami, nepričakovanimi preobrati in dvoličnimi karakterji. Mojster prevar Irving je skupaj z malce manj izkušeno, toda zelo odločno partnerko Sydney prisiljen v sodelovanje z FBI-jem. Z agentom Ritchiejem se vtihotapijo v ameriško mafijsko podzemlje, kjer ne manjka zabav, denarja in drugih vznemirljivih izzivov, vendar so stalno soočeni s smrtonosnimi nevarnostmi in lažmi.


Nočni lov

Nočni lov 2015


Brooklynski mafijec in učinkoviti morilec Jimmy Conlon (Liam Neeson), nekdaj znan pod vzdevkom Grobar, je videl že boljše čase. Dolgoletnega najboljšega prijatelja mafijskega šefa Shawna Maguireja (Ed Harris) namreč pri petinpetdesetih preganjajo grehi preteklosti – za nameček pa še vztrajni policijski detektiv (Vincent D’Onofrio), ki mu je že tri desetletja tesno za petami.


Upokojitveni načrt

Upokojitveni načrt 2023


Ko Ashley in njeno hčer Sarah zalotijo v zločinskem podvigu, ki ogroža njuno življenje, se obrne na edino osebo, ki ji lahko pomaga: na svojega odtujenega očeta Matta, ki trenutno živi življenje upokojenega brezdelneža na Kajmanskih otokih. Toda hitro spozna, da ima njen oče preteklost, o kateri ne ve ničesar in da je veliko več kot se zdi na prvi pogled.


Sinovi ekstazija

Sinovi ekstazija 2025


Obračun britanskega poslovnega guruja in mafijskega dediča v puščavi Arizone za nadzor nad preprodajo ekstazija v devetdesetih.


Veliki svetniki Newarka

Veliki svetniki Newarka 2021


Bodite priča ustvarjanju Tonyja Soprana. Zgodba, ki razkriva človečnost v ozadju Tonyjevih bojev in vpliv, ki ga je imela njegova družina, zlasti njegov stric Dickie Moltisanti na to, da je postal najbolj ikonični mafijski šef vseh časov.


The Sopranos

The Sopranos 1999


The story of New Jersey-based Italian-American mobster Tony Soprano and the difficulties he faces as he tries to balance the conflicting requirements of his home life and the criminal organization he heads. Those difficulties are often highlighted through his ongoing professional relationship with psychiatrist Jennifer Melfi. The show features Tony's family members and Mafia associates in prominent roles and story arcs, most notably his wife Carmela and his cousin and protégé Christopher Moltisanti.


Godfather of Harlem

Godfather of Harlem 2019


Loosely based on infamous crime boss Bumpy Johnson, who in the early 1960s returned from ten years in prison to find the neighborhood he once ruled in shambles. With the streets controlled by the Italian mob, Bumpy attempts to regain his piece of Harlem.


Boardwalk Empire

Boardwalk Empire 2010


Atlantic City at the dawn of Prohibition is a place where the rules don't apply. And the man who runs things -- legally and otherwise -- is the town's treasurer, Enoch "Nucky" Thompson, who is equal parts politician and gangster.


Gangs of London

Gangs of London 2020


When the head of a criminal organisation, Finn Wallace is assassinated, the sudden power vacuum his death creates threatens the fragile peace between the intricate web of gangs operating on the streets of the city. Now it’s up to the grieving, volatile and impulsive Sean Wallace to restore control and find those responsible for killing his father.


Crime Story

Crime Story 1986


The hard-boiled saga of hair-trigger cop Lieutenant Mike Torello and his obsessive pursuit of ruthless gangster Ray Luca.


P. E. Teacher

P. E. Teacher 2014


Retired mobster tries to get back in business by making friends with the kid of his ex-boss. To do so, he must became PE teacher in kid's school.



Penoza 2010


Carmen, the daughter of a notorious Amsterdam drug lord, reluctantly takes charge of the family's smuggling business in order to clear her husband's debts.


Get Shorty

Get Shorty 2017


Miles Daly works as muscle for a murderous crime ring in Nevada and attempts to change professions and become a movie producer, laundering money through a Hollywood film with the help of washed-up filmmaker Rick Moreweather. Based on Elmore Leonard’s 1990 New York Times bestselling novel.


Mafia Only Kills in Summer

Mafia Only Kills in Summer 2016


Palermo, 1979. The Giammarresi are a normal family — father, mother, a ten year old son and a daughter of sixteen — struggling with the problems of everyday life. Seemingly ordinary problems, oh, and the Cosa Nostra, the Sicilian Mafia. Inspired by Pierfrancesco “Pif” Diliberto's film.


Like a Dragon: Yakuza

Like a Dragon: Yakuza 2024


Set in the fictional town of Kamurocho, the story unfolds across two intersecting timelines—1995 and 2005. In 1995, four friends eager to escape their restrictive lives in an orphanage dive into the yakuza-controlled underworld of 1995 Kamurocho. Meanwhile, in 2005, their friendship is deteriorated, as tensions between the Tojo Clan and the Omi Alliance are at a boiling point.


Was It Love?

Was It Love? 2020


After 14 years devoid of romance, a struggling movie producer and single mom faces the unexpected arrival of 4 men into her life—an author, an actor, a CEO, and a younger man—who might just revive her dormant desire for love.


Cain's Hundred

Cain's Hundred 1961


A former underworld lawyer goes to work for the Federal Government, determined to bring 100 top criminals to justice.


The Making of The Mob

The Making of The Mob 2015


A docudrama series chronicling some of America's most notorious mobsters, each season dealing with a different city/region.



Brotherhood 2006


A working-class Irish family rules a city built on loyalty and corruption. The Caffee brothers, Tommy, a rising politician desperate for reelection, and Michael, a hardened criminal returning from seven years on the run and eager to reclaim his turf, fight for survival on opposite sides of the law. In their ruthless quest for power, the entire Caffee family is driven to lies, betrayal and infidelity -- threatening to tear them and the city of Providence, RI apart.


El Tigre Veron

El Tigre Veron 2019


Miguel "The Tiger" Verón, a union leader from meat sector, has to risk everything against his employers and enemies from justice.



Corleone 2007


The story of Salvatore Riina, a mafioso boss from Corleone, Sicily.


Feed the Beast

Feed the Beast 2016


For two friends on the brink of losing everything, a dusty pipe dream of opening up an upscale restaurant in their hometown of the Bronx is all they have left to turn their lives around. Together, they take on the insanity of the New York restaurant world, and navigate its underbelly of petty criminals, corrupt officials and violent mobsters.



Kingpin 2003


Kingpin is an American crime drama television series which debuted on the NBC network in the U.S. and CTV in Canada on February 2, 2003 and lasted 6 episodes. NBC's answer to The Sopranos and also influenced by The Godfather, Macbeth and Traffik, the story was about a Mexican drug trafficker named Miguel Cadena and his family life. It was to be followed by a television series, but low ratings canceled those plans. Commercials for the mini-series on NBC featured the song "Más" by the Mexican band Kinky.


Mob City

Mob City 2013


The true story of a decades-long conflict between the Los Angeles Police Department, under the determined leadership of Police Chief William Parker, and ruthless criminal elements led by Mickey Cohen, a one-time boxer who rose to the top of L.A.'s criminal world. The series is a fast-paced crime drama set in Los Angeles during the 1940s and '50s. It's a world of glamorous movie stars, powerful studio heads, returning war heroes, a powerful and corrupt police force and an even more dangerous criminal network determined to make L.A. its West Coast base.


The Driver

The Driver 2014


The Driver tells the story of Vince who, following a family mystery, blames himself and his inadequacies and, out of this crisis, he accepts an offer to start driving for a criminal gang.